• Current Folder displays all files that are located in the same folder location as the current document. If you want to have the selected link you're editing link to a document located in this folder, simply locate the file and click on it. This will change the 'Address' field to reflect the document location on your computer. The 'Text to display' field will also change to the file address, so you may want to edit this field to change the text that will be displayed in the Word document.

Are you looking for a shortcut to remove hyperlink in MS Word? Microsoft Word has some great shortcuts for Mac and Windows users. Lets say you are copying.

Adobe premiere free download mac. • Browsed Pages shows a list of recent documents and Web pages you have accessed. You can select one of these as the new link destination.

• Recent Files displays a list of recent files you've worked on in Word. This is handy if you're working on a series of separate documents by letting you create links to them quickly.

How To Remove A Hyperlink On Word For Mac

You can convert hyperlinks to plain text simply by removing their text formatting--yes, really. So, all you have to do is select the text for each link and remove the formatting (Format > Default Formatting). The problem is, how to select all the links. Unfortunately, this isn't so easy. You may be able to devise a regular expression that will do it, e.g.

If all the links' text have some begins with 'www.' Or ends with '.com', but it seems unlikely to be so simple. It won't be all at once, but you can easily step through all the links using the Navigator (F5). My version OO 3.3.0 in Calc does not have (right click) context menu option of 'remove hyperlink'. Nor is 'remove hyperlink' in any of the Menu items. My solution was to Save As CSV, then open/import the CSV. Nice clean spreadsheet, ready for my formulas/formatting.

I'm sure if your's is a Doc you could save a plain text (*.txt) file and that would do the same thing. This is a solution for 1 sheet at a time, which surly beats 1 items at a time (find & replace). Is camtasia for windows still missing features the mac version has?.

I found this post via search and didn't realize until after I posted it was for Writer.