Does the steam controller work on mac for csgo. News app for mac os. Camstudio is too buggy and does not capture properly. Has problems with uneven capture ratios etc. Have not tried OBS though. Almost want to neg this post because its ridiculous how much of a price gap between the Windows and Mac versions. If all things are correct, then there should be more PC users than Mac's. Given the laws of Supply/demand, how do you substantiate a 300%+ cost difference between the platforms? It is the same issue with VMWare as well with their products.


Overall, Camtasia Studio 4.0 is a definitive upgrade and like we said before, it remains 'the' swiss-army knife of screencasting. With the increasing popularity of podcasts, Techsmith have made a very good move by integrating podcast-ready features in Camtasia 4 which could give them an invincible lead in the market. Camtasia for Mac is not compatible with Camtasia for Windows, so i run Camtasia on a Virtual Machine, and then send the video to Premiere in OSX. So the main thing is that i dont record these videos, other people do and they need the mouse movement.

Basically they are screwing PC users with this deal, regardless of the discount given in this post. Yeh camstudio just isn't worth the effort. Mucked around occasionally trying to get it to work. Then eventually I use a professional program on a 30 day trial (lucky I almost never need this sort of thing and my PC gets a good reinstall yearly). I have used Camtasia Studio for mac and PC and it's well featured but expensive (shame one license can't be used on both platforms). Thanks for pointing out Open Broadcaster I'll have a look at it.

I think this is still true for those that just need a basic recording you can use Quicktime Also (for non mac people) I haven't moved to windows 10 yet but I hear it has screen recording built in - •.