May 27, 2017  In today's video I took a first look at Visual Studio 2017 for Mac and wrote a first Demo Application.

All about the object-oriented programming language C#. I'll tell you how it became the norm. I'm going to make a prediction here. When you finished your Electron POC, whatever it was you did next, I'll tell you what it wasn't. What you didn't go do is implement your photo album app on OSX, Linux and Windows.

You didn't do that because that would be a lot of work, especially for yet another photo album app no one actually wants. Electron has a cost, about 300MB. That's over kill for a photo album, but it's fuck all for something like VS code.

And you wrote a recursive function that ate 4 GB of RAM. You can write that in literally any language, a developer wrote shit code that leaked memory. No, they really don't.

Cross platform dev in Java is terrible, and Java is at least as memory hungry as Chrome. You save a bit of disk since your gigantic runtime is shared, but not a lot since your UI platform isn't. And who gives a crap about a little disk anyway. JS is not flavour if the month either, it's been flavour of the last five years at least, with no sign of stopping or even slowing down. There's a reason for that, and it's not because everyone but you is stupid. It's because it works. It works on everything, because both JS is everywhere on billions of devices.

It's because aside from a few esoteric weirdnesses it's a pretty good language. First class functions, closures, a great async model, reasonable syntax and a library for anything. You can write terrible JS, and I'm sure you do, but you can write terrible anything. I can generate a recursion bug in minutes in any language, including ones I don't know. • • • • • • •.

It's because it works. It works on everything, because both JS is everywhere on billions of devices. Or maybe because browsers don't fucking understand anything but JS? JS is a terrible language and I say it as a JS developer, it's full of inconsistencies, and dynamic typing makes it even more unreliable for huge projects(but since people are forced to learn it to make a frontend, they have to) Also, please please shut your mouth if you have no idea of what are you talking about.

• Zimbra Desktop is updated with the latest timezone data. IMAP/SMTP is now used for Yahoo mail sync. Please do a full backup or snapshot before installing this Patch. Zimbra Collaboration 8.6 Patch 3 We are proud to announce the Patch 3 for Zimbra Collaboration 8.6 as well. This Patch fixes more than 12 bugs in the Web Client, special mention to the ability of paste images in the Web Client from the Clipboard, as many others. Mac

Java is not as memory hungry as Chrome, I know that this subreddit is C# subreddit, and as much I really hate Java for its verbosity and inferior-ity compared to better alternatives like C#, Java CAN'T be compared to Electron at all especially when it comes to performance, open something like Android Studio then open Atom, the difference is just so huge that it makes you look an idiot when you compare something like Java to a mess like Electron. Javascript IS not a pretty good language. Who fucking cares about first class functions?

Who fucking cares about 'reasonable syntax'? It makes you seem like you just learned it at 10 days and you now use some buzzwords that don't matter at all especially stuff like closures.

And the ecosystem is not really something to be proud of, there are literally hundred of useless NPM packages that only have one line in their whole code, yet they get 6 million downloads(is-thirteen, is-array, is-number.) that it looks so pathetic. For reasonable syntax?

Who cares with this? Most of programming languages have 'reasonable syntax', again it makes you look like a noob for caring with this thing instead of caring with more important stuff like performance and maintainability and consistency, closures? Freaking closures? First class functions? Tell me you're kidding, please tell me that.

Visual Studio For Mac Gtk Forms Programming

The only thing that you got right is 'a great async model' but even then I doubt you even know what do you mean by that. I highly doubt you learned the language in more than 10 days ago. The excuses you got are pretty idiotic. • • • • • • •. I care about first class functions, because they're a language feature I use all the time, in C# and in JavaScript. Closures are also really useful and something a lot of languages do poorly. They're advanced language features that actually make a difference.

And a strong package ecosystem is also a good thing, one a lot of languages do poorly. The syntax of JS could be better, which is why I said it was reasonable. Beyond that, aside from a few weird coercions which are far from unique to JavaScript the language is fairly consistent. Strong typing can be added trivially to the language using typescript as a super set if that's what your want.

And jesus christ are you really calling Eclipse highly performant? That's what Android studio is. It's eclipse, which is a bloated pig. I'm not a huge fan of atom either, so what? • • • • • • •. Build it with something like Java. At the end of the day, when you will build the app with Java and Electron.