Custom Search Arnold 1.7.9 Amstrad CPC/CPC+ Emulator Arnold is an extremely precise Amstrad CPC/CPC+ emulator, which can run just about all software available for what was without question the best home computer available in Europe in the 1980s. • License: Freeware • Developer/Publisher: Ported by Richard Bannister • Modification Date: March 10, 2018 • Requirements: Mac OS X 10.11 or higher - 64-bit File Size: 726 Kb Atari800MacX 4.6 This is the the Macintosh OSX Port of David Firth's Fantastic Atari 800 Emulator.

Ported is the SDL version of the Atrari800 emulator to Mac OSX, and added a full native Cocoa interface, including Preferences, Menus, File Associations, Help and more. • License: Freeware • Developer/Publisher: Mark Grebe • Modification Date: December 29, 2011 • Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4 or higher - 32-bit File Size: 5.5 MB Basilisk II 1.0 Basilisk II is an open source emulator of 68xxx-based Macintosh computers for Windows, OS X and Linux.

With Basilisk II, one can boot Mac OS versions 7.x through 8.1. Ports of Basilisk II are available for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and a number of lesser known systems. Users require a Macintosh ROM image and a copy of Mac OS to use with the emulator.

• License: Freeware • Developer/Publisher: Ported by Christian Bauer et al • Modification Date: July 11, 2018 • Requirements: Mac OS X 10.7 or higher - 64-bit File Size: 6.1 MB Boxer 1.4 Boxer is a DOS game emulator for OS X, built around the powerful DOSBox. Boxer aims to make it easy and painless to play your DOS games.

I gave up using pcsx2 on my mac always ran like crap for me and on that same mac on boot camp side i run the emulator at max and play ff10 and star ocean 3 flawlessly. Best Mac emulators guide: Emulate Mac OS 9 with SheepShaver Should you want to delve into the Apple period between the Macintosh Plus and OS X, SheepShaver will emulate Mac OS 7.5.2 through 9.0.4.

November 5, 2011 Boxer, a great Dos Box tool, was updated and now sits at version 1.2. Boxer takes your Dos program and “boxes” it up using a little bit of DosBox magic, allowing you to run various Dos games or applications on your Mac. As always, grab the download from the right hand side of this blog or from their home page.

Let’s check out the changes. Roland MT-32 support: • Emulates the Roland MT-32/CM-32L Sound Module, beloved of Sierra and Origin fans everywhere.

Big kudos to the for their emulation! Emulation requires MT-32 or CM-32L ROMs, which aren’t legal to bundle with Boxer. Drag your own ROMs into Boxer’s Audio Preferences to enable the emulation. • Displays secret game messages from the MT-32’s LCD in a spiffy bezel overlay.

• Detects if you’ve got a real MT-32 plugged in, and pipes MT-32 music to that automatically. No configuration needed: just a MIDI-to-USB cable.

• Autodetects MT-32-compatible games: just tell the game to play MT-32 music and you’re all set. Easier CD-swapping for multi-CD games: • Adding a new CD will replace any previous one, using the same drive letter. No more shuffling drives around when you need the next disc! Download cs 1.6 for mac os x yosemite.

• The Drives Inspector displays inactive CDs along with the currently-active one, so you can swap back and forth between CDs quickly. (You can also cycle through CDs with Cmd+Shift+left/right.) • Extra CDs can be imported into the gamebox from the Drives panel while playing, making them always available to swap between. Much more reliable importing from Good Old Games: • Custom DOSBox emulation settings are now imported along with the game files, to ensure the game works as it should: no need to fix sound settings or mess with drive mounts.

• These settings are used to pick the right program to launch automatically, so you can get playing straight away. A laundry-list of other improvements and bugfixes: • No more switching Spaces by accident!

OS X’s own function key and arrow-key hotkeys are now suppressed while playing, in all OS X versions. May require a tweak to your Universal Access preferences: see Boxer’s Preferences panel for details. • Added options to Mouse Inspector to modify/disable Boxer’s Ctrl+click and Ctrl+Opt+click mouse button shortcuts, to fix games that give these key combos their own behaviour. • Improved game startup times.

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• New look-and-feel for program panel to fit in better on Lion. • Tweaked fullscreen scaling to reduce stretchmarks.

How to create usb flash drive installer on mac for windows. • Added friendly explanations when a drive could not be mounted or unmounted. • Game import can now be cancelled while it is scanning a game folder. • OS X 10.5: Suppressed “This game appears to be ignoring your joystick” warning when Gamepad Companion or ControllerMate are running. • OS X 10.7: Fixed mouse disappearing ‘behind’ the Inspector panel in seamless mouse mode. • OS X 10.7: Fixed drives disappearing from Drives panel when dragging them around. • OS X 10.7: Fixed occasional mis-importing of CDs. • OS X 10.7: Fixed spurious drive-added/drive-removed notifications when starting a game.