I can't seem to just drag and drop files I want to store on an external hardrive with Seagate. I just want a simple drag and drop so I can free up some space on my computer. Can someone please explain how to just drag and drop files? I have zero idea, and they don't make it simple to understand. Please explain it to me (without use of computer terminology or telling me places I should go on my computer that I don't know what they are. Renders your help useless, and it's frustrating because no matter how many times I ask this, you just give me help i can't understand anyway.) If possible, use step by step instructions, if you need to tell me to go somewhere on my computer, tell me where that is too so I know where to go.

Don't be vague, I can't understand vague instructions when i read them. If you bought your external 1TB HD from a store other than Apple Store, it's likely formatted for Windows (NTFS) and you need to reformat it to Apple (UNIX): 1.Be sure your drive is attached and mounted. 2.If you have already written any data to the drive, back it up before proceeding to the next step. 3.In the Finder, choose Go > Utilities. The /Applications/Utilities folder will open.

The difference is in how it tracks those line items and the reports it generates. Quicken for mac reports demo.


4.Launch Disk Utility. 5.Click the icon for your external hard drive in the sidebar on the left. 6.Click the Erase tab along the top of the window.

Install Seagate Backup Plus Slim For Mac

7.From the Volume Format menu, choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled). 8.Enter a name for the external hard drive in the Name field. 9. Google docs desktop app mac. Click the Erase button. Hello computer people. I just bought a seagate backup plus slim 1T drive, on 11/26/14.

Seagate Backup Plus Slim for Mac Portable Drive - Quick Start Guide, Installation, Troubleshooting Tips & Downloads. The Seagate Backup Plus Portable Drive for Mac (1TB) is still a better choice on a GB per dollar basis and because of its compatibility with USM adapters, but the Seagate Slim for Mac is a good.

At first i was unable to drag and drop. After putzing about for over two hours, looking on this help forum and on others, i noticed on seagate's home page for my product a download link for 'NTFS driver for mac os' it was an installer for some 3rd party program which allows NTSF ( not suitable for work?

No, its some kind of formatting ) devices to be read AND WRITTEN to on mac os. I installed it, restarted my computer, and then I could drag and drop ( aka write). PROBLEM SOLVED But why did this take so long?!! Because; While installing the seagate backup plus on my mac originally, i was given two options; 1- format it for use on windows AND mac 2- format it for mac ONLY I chose option one, because i use a mac AND a pc, and i want to move files between the two, which is what this drive is advertised to do! But instead of say, mentioning on the box -- or in the instruction booklet, or on their own help pages on their website -- that you need to download this file if your mac does not already have it for some unknown unlikely reason, Seagate merely list it as a download on their website with no intuitive obvious description of what it is or why you might need it. My theory on why they don't broadcast this crucial information?

1- they are known to have poor customer service, in general. 2- 'Use between Mac and Windows' is much catchier ad copy than ' Use between Mac and Windows if you have NTFS driver for Mac OS installed!' I, like many non-tech people, find my eyes glazing over when i read words such as driver, reformatting or partition. So, better to keep the ad copy simple for a quick sale and then let the customer fumble around pulling out their hair for hours after the purchase. Keep it classy Seagate, keep it classy. You really suck. I just want a simple drag and drop so I can free up some space on my computer.

Go into FINDER at top then PREFERENCES then GENERAL tab then check 'hard disks' and 'external disks' THIS WILL PUT A HD ICON ON YOUR DESKTOP YOU CAN OPEN AND DRAG AND DROP FILES TO THEN verify the format of your external HD go to DISK UTILITY and verify what it says your HD is formatted as under the 'ERASE' tab HFS+ above is the 'mac format' however do NOT erase / format the HD, since this will erase it. UNLESS you want to do this Format (erase) it in 'mac osx Extended journaled' AFTER THIS YOU CAN DRAG AND DROP FILES AS YOU LIKE 😠x8D. What is the drive formatted as?