Choose On My Mac to access your Mailbox only on your Mac. Name the mailbox and click OK. If you don't see the mailboxes sidebar, choose View > Show Mailbox List. To show or hide mailboxes from an email account, move your pointer over a section in the sidebar and click Show or Hide.

Note: You can restore any of the mail that is in the Junk email folder. Click the message that you want to move to the Inbox folder, and then on the Home tab, click Junk, and then click Not Junk. Unblock a sender on non-Exchange based accounts • In the Outlook menu bar select Tools > Junk Email Preferences. Note: If Junk Email Preferences is grayed out your account may be hosted by Exchange. See Unblock a sender on Exchange based accounts below • On the Blocked Senders tab, select the email address or domain you want to unblock, and choose Remove the selected sender button.

Unblock a sender on Exchange based accounts Exchange accounts, like or your work email account hosted by Exchange, do not have access to the Junk Mail Preferences. For those accounts junk mail filtering is handled on the Exchange server and is not a client option. To remove a blocked sender see.

Outlook Version 16.0.7167.2060. I bit more about my set up: I have two Hosted Exchange accounts from the same provider (Sherweb). One is for business, one is for personal. The column is empty until an item is flagged. The flag for a flagged item stands out prominently in the otherwise empty column. To me, this makes the flag very visible and the feature very usable. In Outlook 2016, by default, the flag status column displays a gray flag for every e-mail item. Setting a flag changes the gray flag to a color. Outlook 2016 version 16.18 for mac flag column Mailing Lists Mailing Lists Welcome! Where is the tools tab in outlook 365 2016 for mac. Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on

Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact.

My Mail List Software For Mac

List Description Mailing list for developers wishing to use Apple's Accessibility APIs [no description available] [no description available] Help and discussions for scripters developing scripts and solutions in AppleScript. Discussion list for developers using AppleScriptObjC. Help and discussions for users developing workflows and solutions using Automator. Mailing list for Bluetooth developer discussion.

This list is to discuss how to develop applications & devices which use Bonjour. Developer discussion of programming with Carbon Discussions regarding native iOS and OS X application developments using Cocoa frameworks colorsync-users A mailing list for developers using Core Audio and MIDI APIs (C or Java) on MacOS X Technical discussion list for general Darwin software development.

This does not include Carbon, Cocoa, or Darwin Streaming Server. Technical discussion for Darwin hardware drivers.

Technical discussion on the Darwin Mach+BSD kernel. Fed-Talk Discussion list for Apple Government & Government Customers Developer discussions of file system technologies Discussion of Apple software installation technologies (installer, packages, PackageMaker, distributions, distribution scripts) This list is for technical discussions related to Java on Mac OS X. Macintosh Network Programming Discussion list for developers and content providers working with Apple Pro Applications such as Final Cut Pro, Sondtrack, or Logic Platinum. Sharing information for state, county, and city government customers to more quickly and successfully implement Apple products Product security notifications and announcements from Apple WebObjects Development X11 for Mac OS X discussion list.