I have setup a new server i one of our departments, some time after I did this, our macro in word, became extremly slow ( 20 sec. To start) this is in word 2003 pro, and word is about 15 sec to start up. The macro is placed on the server, and there where no problem before the server change.

If I make a local netword drive, and run it form there there is no problem. If I run the macro in word 2010, from the server, there is no problem. First time we ran into this behavior was in our main department, about a year ago, we never found a solution, but after half a year, it disappered again. Has anyone got any ideas, what to look for??

Macros For Mac On Ms Word Really Slow

Nov 10, 2014  The issue is that when the macro is running, other Office applications like Word and Outlook have a very bad performance and will not respond from time to time. Mac cordova requirements check failed for jdk 1.8 or greater but java center says up to dates. This is in contrast to Internet Explorer or other non Microsoft Office programs. Their performance will not drop during the execution of the macro. I tested this with add-ins disabled. I have created a Microsoft word macro for searching specific lines in the document and either delete them or change the document style, applying a Doc Heading style. The macro is working fine in small documents (up to 15 pages) but when I run it on bigger documents (up to 130 pages) it takes forever to complete!

Office macros execute on the client PC so if it runs OK when stored locally you can safely assume that you have a problem with your network access to the template file. This could be down to a whole range of options from simple collisions on the network through to problems with print servers (this can affect the office suite of products).

I would check the template file to make sure there are no hidden connections to other network locations within it (check the file properties etc). It could also be down to virus checking software running on the server, every time a file is opened a file server this could well be getting kicked off, as you are running code this could be performing further checks and therefore slowing it down. Sorry I can't be more specific, but problems like this are very difficult to diagnose and usually a trial and error approach ends up getting there.

I'm running a large macro in Excel, and leaving it on all night. I realize that if your computer goes into sleep mode, it may pause the macro processing, but I didn't think that when the it would slow/pause the macro processing. However, I started a simple forward loop in Word (Excel is hung up right now) that I estimated to take about 100 minutes (based on loops of a lesser magnitude), and then left (allowing my screen to turn off without sleeping). I just returned 3 hours later, and my Word macro is still going. This makes me very confident that my screen turning off slows down my macro, but I really didn't expect this to be the result. So now I am asking the community if this is true: That a macro will slow/pause itself if the screen turns off (without sleeping).

Many thanks beforehand to answers.