
The ChromeDriver wasn’t super helpful with it’s installation instructions, mainly because I was unfamiliar with including the ChromeDriver location in my PATH environment variable (you have to help Chrome find the downloaded ChromeDriver). It also seems like a lot of work for something so common, I figured there had to be a better way. Installing on macOS: Listed in order of easiest to hardest install, these are the best ways to install ChromeDriver on a Mac: • The easiest way to install ChromeDriver is to use a package manager to install the driver, like brew: brew install chromedriver. This requires you have installed, but you probably should anyways.

Instructions For Installing Chrome On Mac

Install Chrome on Mac Download the installation file. Open the file called 'Google Chrome.dmg'.

• Run Chrome & ChromeDriver in a. Simply download the combined container, start it and point your code at the right address. • and check it into source control like any other configuration detail. If you go this route, you can include additional drivers like GeckoDriver (aka Firefox) as well.

• Download the driver. Which methods have you found the easiest or most success with? Leave a comment and let us know! Additional References: • • • Updated.

I'd like to do something similar to: wget except download the OS X version (from? Column width issue on excel for mac. URL) and install it from the command line.

The corresponding instructions for installing Google Chrome on Ubuntu can be found. I've searched high and low and Google does not seem to make the link available anywhere. I'm trying to write a script to automate installation of my standard applications for OS X. I use a set of scripts like this already to set up my Ubuntu box.

Specifically, I can't seem to find the URL for the Google Chrome OS X 64 bit direct download. Edit, final solution: wget open ~/Downloads/googlechrome.dmg sudo cp -r /Volumes/Google Chrome/Google /Applications/. I have used a script like this to copy applications from disk images: temp=$TMPDIR$(uuidgen) mkdir -p $temp/mount curl > $temp/1.dmg yes hdiutil attach -noverify -nobrowse -mountpoint $temp/mount $temp/1.dmg cp -r $temp/mount/*.app /Applications hdiutil detach $temp/mount rm -r $temp • Without -mountpoint the dmg is mounted to a directory like /Volume/Google Chrome/. • -nobrowse doesn't show the volume in Finder. • If the dmg has a license agreement, yes skips it. • cp preserves extended attributes (which includes resource forks) and ACLs by default. As far as I know, ditto is no longer needed for copying application bundles.

Or using: brew install brew-cask brew cask install google-chrome brew-cask installs applications to /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/ and creates aliases to ~/Applications/ by default.