My 'WD 1TB My Passport' external HD recently has major issues. It's HFS+partitioned as 700/300GB, and left plugged into the rear USB2.0 of my 5th Gen Airport Extreme. I've been accessing it via WiFi for 2 years, backing up all my Videos/Photos and playing movies. Couple days ago the Extreme flashed orange, and the desktop drive icons turned Orange. I used Mac Disk Utility, and the secondary 300gb partition had errors.

I erased and reformatted the secondary partition, and then backed-up all my photos using the Flickr up-loader. Today I went to backup my videos, but it mounts maybe 1 out of 3 times, and is too slow to actually bring any files up. I downloaded the WD Mac tool and it failed the tests, as it really doesn't mount. Then I brought it to work and tried the Windows 10 tool, but it doesn't mount nor recognize it, even through Windows 10 does. Where should I go from here?

I just upgraded from Quicken Premier for 2015 to Quicken Premier for 2018. When I try to use one-step-update or click on Investing the screen freezes and I have to close the program and reopen. One step update quicken for mac 2017. Using Quicken One step update:-Quicken updates are free, Quicken could tell you an update is out there once it starts up. You’ll sometimes use One Step Update to see for and install updates. It’s easy to use One Step Update in Quicken. Follow these steps: Click Tools on the Quicken menu. Click One Step Update. Quicken software is regularly updated, and you can install these updates easily using the One Step Update feature. Sometimes One Step Update may not work, however. In this case, you can manually download and install Quicken updates. One Step Update is the centralized access point for almost all connected services in Quicken. It makes it easy to: Download the latest cleared transactions and balances for all your online-enabled bank, investment, 401(k), and credit card accounts. Hello All, We are currently experiencing an issue with updating or adding accounts in Quicken for Mac and Windows and apologize for any inconvenience or frustration experienced.


These video files are precious travel and life videos. I really would like to recover them. Any tips are appreciated! Click to expand.You might have some luck with which may be able to access the drive even though it won't mount. However, Disk Warrior is expensive and they do not have a trial version to try before buying. A drive that won't mount is very difficult to repair or extract files from so you need to be aware that even Disk Warrior may not work.

Way 4: WD My Passport How to Share with a Mac and a PC? Plug the USB cable for the WD My Passport drive into your Mac. Double click on the desktop icon for your partition. You can copy and paste or drag and drop as I have described above to put your files in a partition you have set up for sharing between a Mac and a PC.

How To Read My Passport For Mac On Windows

The only other alternative is even more expensive and that is to use a drive repair recovery service. That kind of service can run into the hundreds of dollars depending on the size of the drive. OP: I realize this advice doesn't help you now. Dvd ripper and converter for mac. But for the future.I wouldn't rely on a connection via the Airport for backing up. Instead, I'd connect the backup drive DIRECTLY to the computer (to be backed up), and then use either CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper to create a bootable cloned backup of your internal drive. And like matreya advised, two backups are better. To the matter at-hand: In your original post, are you saying that you -CAN- mount the drive and see the files in Windows 10?

If so, get ANOTHER drive, and copy those files posthaste! The name of the game is get the partition mounted ANY way you can, get a second drive, and get the files from it. Click to expand.It's formatted HFS+ so no, Windows cannot see the files. When I plug it into the Mac, the primary partition slowwwwly mounts on the Mac (secondary does not), but it reads too slow to copy any files off. I got Diskwarrior 5, and hit the 'Rebuild' for the Primary partition, and its been sitting for 15+ hours on stage 1, so I just hit Cancel.

I was reading that if the disk hardware is malfunctioning (which I think it is), that using something like Disk Warrior to 'Rebuild' the drive isn't the best option, as the damage will get worse as it tries to rebuild. At this point, I'm looking to simply extract the Data from the Primary partition. I read something like ' ddrescue ' a better choice, but it looks like Command Line stuff, which I know nothing about. I'm still not sure what to do, as Disk Warrior doesn't seem to be working. I bought another External Hard Drive as well to copy too. Tried Disk Warrior, then Data Rescue. Both indicating hardware issues as they simply can't read the drive.

It does light up and spin, then slowly mount onto OSX, but then its too slow to read or copy files. Maybe I just need to wait the 1 week or whatever it might take for Disk Warrior to [maybe] save files lol? I figure doesn't your computer go into certain modes and interrupt this process anyways after extended periods? I'm debating how much to spend at this point, as I know Data recovery services are not cheap. Praise Lord Baby Jesus that I least backed up the photos.