1.install openssl brew update brew install openssl 2.去官网install.net core sdk sudo install_name_tool -add_rpath /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib /usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/ 1.0.2/System.Security.Cryptography.Native.dylib 3.去官网install vs code install c# extension:打开vs code,按command+p,在里面输入 ext install csharp 4.测试 mkdir HelloWorld cd HelloWorld dotnet new dotnet restore dotnet run 效果 Project HelloWorld (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0) will be compiled because expected outputs are missing Compiling HelloWorld for.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0 Compilation succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s) Time elapsed 00: 00: Hello World!

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Linux Java 开发环境搭建 For MacLinux Java 开发环境搭建 For Mac

5.使用vs code打开刚创建的HelloWorld,根据提示安装插件,最后效果 Updating C # dependencies. Platform: darwin, x86_64 Downloading package 'OmniSharp for OSX' ( 24653 KB).. Downloading package '.NET Core Debugger (macOS / x64)' ( 43967 KB).. Installing package 'OmniSharp for OSX' Installing package '.NET Core Debugger (macOS / x64)' Finished Failed to spawn 'dotnet --info' Warning: project.json is no longer a supported project format for.NET Core applications. Update to the latest version of.NET Core ( and use 'dotnet migrate' to upgrade your project (see for details).

For example, in your 'The White Wishes' game, you have used the VX version of 'Animated Parallax' script which has issues with the latest Ruby syntax. Unfortunately just changing the script to its VX Ace version does not work because the VX Ace version is not a drop-in replacement. So the script needs modifications to work with mkxp. Double click the.exe file and load your game! There a few minor bugs: The first few times you use it it might crash so you should save often. Other then that its good as ever! Games Double click on your child’s game (the.exe that you got from RPG Maker VX Ace– in my case the file was called RPGTest.exe). Mac OS X will display a warning. Press Open to proceed. Step 4: Lets assume the game was made in RPG Maker VX Ace. Copy all the folders from the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP folder (this is the second thing you downloaded at the beginning) into the games folder. Make sure the files are put in the proper place. For example, both the game and the RTP folder have a folder called 'Audio'. This can create crash issues and therefore make you unable to play VX/Ace games. I'll provide a photo graph to make this process easier. First of all, run the following command in your terminal 'winecfg.' This is assuming you are using Linux. I am unsure how you run winecfg on mac but you should easily be able to find a guide.

1 $ cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/ 1.5.