
Select 'Blanks' and click OK. Excel has now selected all of the blank cells in the column. Now carefully right-mouse click on one of the empty calls, and choose Delete. From the menu. Then select Entire row, and click the OK button. Now we have a clean list where all rows contain a value for Last login. The following steps show how to remove empty rows from an Excel spreadsheet using Excel 2016. Note: this process does not account for partially empty rows. For example if a row in column 2 was empty that row would also be deleted.

What I am assuming is that you have a large worksheet with gaps you need to close up, and that a simple sort would disrupt the order of your data. Here's how I would do it: First add two new temporary columns, new A and new B. Setting up e911 in ring central app for mac download

Select the range of cells in A from the first all the way to the last row you know has data. Use Edit > Fill > Series > Linear and number them from 1 to whatever. In the next column select the first cell and enter a formula that checks to see if the cells to its right are empty. It could be as simple as adding them all up ( =SUM(C1:K1)) to see if they are zero or it could be a function of logic ( =AND(ISBLANK(C1), ISBLANK(D1)), etc.).

Copy and paste this formula down all the cells in column B to the end of your range. Now you have two keys with which to sort your worksheet. Sort on column B to find your empty rows and delete them en masse, then restore your worksheet's original sort order by sorting on the first column. How to buy excel for mac.