*** See my below before continuing! *** With the release of Mac OS X Yosemite, Minecraft stopped working for anyone who has updated (or any new Yosemite users, such as a new computer purchase). Mojang is of little help so far and seems unconcerned. ( Read my update below, as Mojang finally seems to be working on a fix!) The ‘fix’ options so far are to 1) Install an old, specially modified version of Java 6 released by Apple, or 2) install the latest Java version 8 from Oracle and implement a workaround. Fortunately, the latter (a MUCH better option, IMO) is not that difficult. ( The article is long due to detail the steps are relatively easy!).

On my High Sierra Mac. Java --version gives. Java version '1.8.0_172' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_172-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.172-b11, mixed mode) but in Oracle’s documentation and list of downloads I see references to versions that are much higher, notably 9 or even 10. Download Java JRE 9 Latest Version – Java JRE 9 (JRE) allows you to play on-line video games, chat with people all over the world, determine your home loan rate of interest, and also sight images in 3D, simply among others. It’s likewise indispensable to the intranet applications and other e-business remedies that are the structure of.

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Overview • Step 1 – Remove old Java • Step 2 – Install Java • Step 3 – Configure Java • Step 4 – Download Minecraft • Step 5 – Play Minecraft! Download adobe reader for mac. • Step 6 (optional) – Make it pretty! • Step 7 (optional) – Play with a console controller? • Estimated time: 10-15 minutes.


Do the same under the ‘home’ (Hard Drive/Users/username/) Library folder, which Apple has hidden, making it a bit more tricky to access. When you are at Finder (ie: click on your Desktop to make it the ‘active’ app), drop-down the ‘Go’ menu and notice a ‘Library’ folder appears if you hold the ‘option’ key down (and disappears if you release it). Select that Library folder and it should open. Same as above, check your Internet Plug-ins folder (for Java-related items) and look for a Java folder. ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ (look for Java related items) ~/Library/ (look for Java).

First, the bad news. Once again, due to a flaw in Java, similar to the one that enabled the. Even worse, there isn’t (yet) a patch to fix that vulnerability. But don’t worry: This time around, there’s good news for Mac users: Thanks to changes Apple has made, most of us are likely to be safe from this threat.

That said, although you likely aren’t at risk today, it is clear that Java still represents one of the biggest, most persistent security problems facing users of all operating systems. So I recommend you consider implementing the precautions suggested below.

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What happened On Sunday, August 26, security vendor FireEye that used a previously unknown Java vulnerability. The attack, which originated from China, affected the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment (Java 7, version 1.7). The attack comes through your Web browser when you browse to a malicious site and allows an attacker to silently take complete control over your computer. After FireEye’s initial post, details about the vulnerability quickly became public and exploits taking advantage of it appeared in multiple attack tools. Further research by security vendor indicated that the active exploit actually took advantage of (what we, in the industry, call zero-days). The exploit for the first vulnerability was —one of the most widely used malicious hacking tools.