– Fields cannot be sorted. On reports and portfolio views front, Saved Reports In readily available or customizable (saved) reports and graphs, – I can use average annualized return for ALL dates but I do not have option to use Absolute Gain/Loss or ROI% as a field for display. I cannot sort a report by ARR field and have to go through entire report to find the highest and lowest ARR return. Quicken for mac 2017 bill reminder link.


The most important key on a Mac’s keyboard is arguably the Command Key (⌘), which is used in a tremendous number of important keyboard shortcuts, from Command-C to copy, to Command-P to print. Pretty much every high-end keyboard I see is a 'Windows' keyboard, with the Windows key. And no Command key. I imagine that I could use a combination of remapping keys through the OS, and paint 'Command' on one of the keys, in order to make my new keyboard just like the one built into my Powerbook.

I recently started using a Macbook Air as my full time computer, so I needed to hook up a keyboard and mouse to it. Automatically, OSX assigns the “Windows” key on the keyboard to be the “Command” key in OSX, which will drive you insane. After doing a lot of digging, I realized there is a very easy solution to this built right into the Keyboard settings section in OSX System Preferences. Go to System Preferences > Keyboard 2.

Hit the “Modifier Keys” button 3. Virtual box windows emulator for mac free download Select your USB keyboard from the drop-down menu (there should be two keyboards listed), make sure to not change the built-in keyboard settings.

I found that turning my keyboard’s CTRL key to the Command key made it intuitive for me to CTRL-C and CTRL-V and perform the other command options. Since you do need to sometimes access the CTRL key in OSX, I made the function of the “Windows Key” (Command Key) on the external keyboard map to the CTRL key in OSX. For reference, this is the “Windows” key on a PC keyboard: Hope this helps! Hi, Firstly, thanks for the tip. But just one problem, hopefully this helps anyone else landing at this page via google search etc. You’ve actually suggested the wrong key to swap the Command function with. You actually need to swap the functions of Command with ‘Option’ (Alt).

For people that are used to where the keys are on a Mac keyboard, this then gives the correct key usage and layout using a PC keyboard on a Mac. Leave Control as it is. (Your version changes the key functions for people that are used to PC shortcuts, which will just get even more confusing for people that are used to a Mac key layout, or anyone wanting to actually learn how to use a Mac, and will stuff them up when they go to use any other Mac with a normal key layout. Hope this helps 🙂 ) Like.