The Macintosh Business Unit (MacBU) at Microsoft has released, a Mac OS X-only product that lets you import data from databases into Excel X via Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). You can use Query X to create new queries or refresh existing queries that were created in other versions of Excel, such as Excel 98, Excel 2001, and Excel for Windows. However, you can’t install Microsoft Query X unless you have the latest Office v.X update and a compatible ODBC driver installed. You can download Query and get more information about how it works from the Mactopia Web site. To use the utility, you’ll need a Power Mac running Mac OS X 10.1 or later. Query is a 2MB download.

Intro In this blog post, I’ll try to highlight some of Excel’s functionality which have been around for a while, but remains largely unknown to the broad public. Now, I’ll be the first one to throw rocks at the Excel camp. I’ve got receipts: Please don't.

— Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk) My analysis is in Excel. — Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk) Reproducible analysis, case in point. A colleague from another department is out. People come to me w/ requests to recreate some analysis that person did. I have no idea, but OK, let's see. Colleague's analysis is in Excel. How can I reproduce it?

No analysis for you! — Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk) However, I’ll also be the first to jump in Excel’s defense whenever an opportunity presents itself: Generally a very good article on advantages of R, but as always - completely overlooking Excel enhancements that came with Power Query and Power Pivot (e.g. Scripting, hundreds of data connectors.

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All the Power BI functionality) — Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk) What gives? I generally agree that Excel is a bad way to conduct an analysis.

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Having said that, there are many enhancements to the product (Windows version mainly) that came out over the last 10 years which are completely overlooked by both Excel users and Excel bashers. One of such enhancements, Power Query (or Query Editor, or M language), allows for a reproducible data import and transformation, and is quite easy to learn. That will be this post’s topic.

Jul 03, 2018  This wikiHow teaches you how to use the Power Query feature in Excel 2016 on a Windows and Mac computer. Power Query is an Excel function that allows you to import data from a variety of sources (Excel tables, CSV files, online database, etc.), and easily reconfigure the data into a pivot table in a spreadsheet.

The audience This post isn’t a guide to using Excel’s and Power BI’s Power Query. This post is not for people who want to learn new cool tricks of Excel.

This post is for data scientists and analysts who put reproducible analysis (achieved via programming one’s analysis in R or Python) at the center of what they do. This post is for people who like to use Excel as a punching bag (and again, I am one of those people). Lastly, this post is for those analysts stuggling to switch the workflow at their place of work from Excel to R or Python. I think that Power Query could act as a gateway drug to reproducible analysis. Meet them where they’re at (in Excel), and guide them by hand out into the world of “programming your analysis”.

The M language From: The Power Query M formula language is optimized for building highly flexible data mashup queries. It’s a functional, case sensitive language similar to F# In simpler terms, it is a data transformation language. Now, I’m not a computer scientist, and won’t be able to explain all the technical details well, therefore I suggest that the most interested ones go and check out the. For the rest of us, I’ll just say that M works by calling a function on a table or a list, then storing this result as a new table, and then calling this new table in the next step with another function. That is oversimplification, of course, but for the purpose of this post, it should do.