The mSetup utility is used to configure the camera's settings. Once mSetup is open, insert a memory card into the Mobius Camera, and connect it to a PC via a USB cable. Once recognized, the camera will appear in the window at the top. Click on it to highlight it, then select all desired options. Once all options are selected, click 'Set Parameters'. A confirmation message will display, at which time the camera can be disconnected.
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The 'Basic Settings' tab of mSetup provides the following options: • Sync Date/Time - When this option is set to 'Yes', the Mobius camera's date/time will by sync'd to the PC's date/time when 'Set Parameters' is clicked. • Lens Type - This option compensates for the different type of glass used in the different lenses. • Artificial Light Frequency - Compensates for artificial lighting. 60 HZ for USA. 50 HZ for Europe. • Recording Indicator - Toggles whether or not the recording LED will flash. • USB Data Port Charging - Toggles charging over the USB port.
This is frequently used when connecting to an Android device that is not capable of powering the camera. • Formatting For Cards > 32GB - Selects the file system for cards greater than 64GB when using the in camera formatting feature. • Date Format - Sets the date format for the on screen time stamp. Year/Month/Day, Day/Month/Year, or Month/Day/Year. • Power On Default - Sets the mode that the camera will enter when powered on. • Power On Delay - Sets how long the power button must be pressed prior to the camera powering on. Setting it to delay will prevent accidentally powering on the camera.
• Power Off Standby - Sets how long the camera will remain in standby mode prior to powering off. • Power On Auto Record - When enabled, the camera will automatically begin recording when powered on. When set to 'external', the camera will automatically power on and begin recording when it receives power over a USB cable. This is often used in dash camera setups.
• Power Off Disconnect - When enabled, the camera will automatically stop recording and power off when it stops receiving power over a USB cable. The mSetup 'Misc. Settings' tab provides the following options: • Motion Detect - Toggles the camera's motion detection mode. • Motion Sensitivity - Determines how much motion is necessary to trigger recording. • Motion Timeout - Determines how long it will take before the camera stops recording when no motion is detected. • TV Video Out - Display mode and aspect ration options for video out cable. • Webcam Mode - Typically MJPG is used, however H.264 may provide better compatibility with older computers.
• Rotate Webcam 180° - Flips the webcam output upside-down. The 'Mode 1' and 'Mode 2' tabs, both provide the following options: • File Type - By default, the camera records video in.MOV format.
However, it can be set to record in.AVI,.MP4, or.WAV. When set to.WAV, the camera functions like a voice recorder and records audio only. • Audio Recording - This setting turns on/off audio when recording video. • Video Time Stamp - Turns on/off the on screen time stamp. • Rotate Video 180° - This setting rotates the video 180°. It is used when mounting the camera upside-down, such as when using it as a dash camera with a suction cup mount. • Loop Recording - When loop recording is enabled, the camera will continuously record, even when the memory card becomes full.
It does this by overwriting the oldest video files, with new ones. This is typically used in a dash camera setup.
• Video Data Rate - Sets the maximum data rate. This will affect file size, but may not affect quality. • Video Clip Length - Sets the length of the video clips • WDR - Enabling WDR will improve video quality in low light or high contrast settings. • FoV - Adjusts the FoV via the camera's image sensor. • Video Resolution - Sets the video resolution for each mode. • Video Frame Rate - Sets the frame rate for each mode. • Time Lapse Video - Enables time lapse video.