I am having trouble with the copy/paste function between Excel and Word. I am trying to paste a spreadsheet from Excel into a Word document, but it needs to fit on ONE page. I have looked on other forums at tons of other people's threads and tried everything. I can get it to fit to one page by copying as a picture or paste special but, as far as I can tell, there is no way to size it so that the quality is intact. I'm doing this for my boss, and every time we size it to fit, it ends up looking like (in her words exactly) 'a cake that has fallen in on itself.short and fat' (stretching of the words and figures, even when using the corner instead of the sides). Please help me! I've tried regular copy/paste, but when I try and make it fit on one page, I only have so much room to adjust the size.

I have MS on my computer, so when I try these things out, they work. I don't have the information she wants done, so I improvise with my own to test it out, and it always seems to work, but when I go into her office with her Mac and the information to be used, it NEVER WORKS!!!!! Internet explorer testing for mac. I am very frustrated and after two days of this, I'm ready to pull out my hair. Thanks in advance for your gracious advice!! A side note, after messing with it some more, I was able to paste one worksheet to the Word document to fit the page without adjusting it (copy as picture and then DON'T TOUCH IT AFTER IT'S PASTED) but not only is it not centered on the page, but 90% of the text within the table is blacked out like it's censored or something!

Really, guys, I'm getting fed up! I tried adjusting the size of the table in Excel prior to pasting, but the only thing that changed was which cells were blacked out. Well you can try use a menu Insert Object, choose Ms excel Worksheet,and then you copy your excel data into that sheet, it's more easy like that Tried that. The spreadsheet created in Word is a funky size, and when you try to make it the correct size, it stretches the words. Like I said, I can do it six different ways in regular MS Word for Windows, but when I do it on Word 2004 for Mac, everything gets messed up. There are three different spreadsheets that need to be copied onto three separate pages within a Word doc. Free mail client for mac with google calendar. I made them all the same number of rows and columns, same size of rows and columns, font, etc.


Nothing is different about the three documents. I have gotten to the point where I can copy them as pictures and they work wonderfully, except for one of them. It views in Word with black 'censor' bars through the title of the spreadsheet, and prints from Word looking fuzzy. When I print the same thing straight from Excel, it looks fine. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS STUPID DOCUMENT??!????!!!!!?????? I'm losing my mind.

I came across this by dint of trial and error the other day. This allows me to copy Excel information into a Word table ending up in native Word format so it looks as good as the text in the rest of the document (but no links I am afraid): 1.