Unless you've got a billion dollars to send out tens of thousands of cars with specially fitted technology mounted on their roofs; and, you can send them all across the planet, then you'll likely need to rely on mapping data from a third party. So, here we go with learning how we can leverage Google Maps APIs within FileMaker. This video will cover the essential knowledge you need in order to make the requests about geolocations whether they be latitude longitude coordinates or an address. As you've likely used Google Maps within the web browser, it's great to know you can access that same data directly within FileMaker; even the traffic data. It's just a simple matter of creating the right url. Making a request for what you want, and then parsing the data right back into your FileMaker table. Let's learn about the process and wire up the technology!

Tuts+ teaches creative and technical skills across many topics to millions of people worldwide. We offer tutorials, articles, news and insights that help you take your knowledge to the next level. Discover this free course 'Get started building custom interactive maps using the Google Maps API'. Get started creating interactive maps using the Google Maps API.

Google maps plot locations based on latitude and longitude coordinates. When Microsoft Excel sends these coordinates to Internet Explorer, Google Maps can use them to create new maps relevant to.

In this course you'll learn how to create and configure different types of maps, how to attach events to these maps, and how to create and customize markers. You'll tap into some of the more powerful services that Google provides, such as geocoding, and then abstract all of this out into your own custom library. By the end of this course, you'll be able to take the library you create and apply it to your own applications. Most developers are familiar with the built in Google mapping features within FileMaker Pro. However, with FileMaker Pro 13 bringing HTTP POST methods natively into the game, there’s much more we can do by leveraging the Google maps APIs in FileMaker. So what can we do with FIleMaker 13 Google maps? In this article, we will look at using address information contained in a FileMaker record, sending a request to the Google maps API version 3 to retrieve the latitude and longitude coordinates for the address and setting those coordinates in the FileMaker record.

Once we have gathered the location data, we can send another request to the Google Maps API to display an interactive single map interface into FileMaker based on the coordinates. Boot camp mac for windows xp download. Read more on Scarpettagroup blog.

You’ve designed a shiny new website (database.); carefully selecting the colors, typography and photographs to perfectly reflect the company's branding. Then your client asks you to add a map. Sure, you could use a map building ‘wizard’, such as the one that comes with every google account. But, let’s face it, their functionality is limited and they look pretty generic! The Google maps API, on the other hand, gives you the freedom to create completely customized maps, which can do all sorts of cool things.


The Portsmouth History map is a site I built recently using this API. Read for more details on how to implement this API.

So I was approached by Accounting with an interesting project today. I work IT for a large-ish construction company, and one of the hassles of mileage reimbursement is getting the driving distances for all the field technicians from their respective homes to the site they're currently deployed to. Accounting, being familiar with Excel, wanted to know if I could author a spreadsheet that would accept a list of addresses (e.g., Column A) and a list of destinations (e.g., Column C) and return the driving distances between them (e.g., Column E). As an added feature (but not required), they'd like driving routes color-coded and super-imposed on a dynamically generated map (which the API can supply) bound to a div on the spreadsheet. I've briefly looked at the Google Maps DistanceMatrix API (), and generating the query and parsing the returned JSON/XML (example result: ) is simple enough, but where I'm stumped is: How do I get Excel to fetch it into a string or whatever that I could then parse values out of?