Vagrant allows you to spin up a virtual machine running Dataverse on your development workstation. You’ll need to install Vagrant from and VirtualBox from. We assume you have already cloned the repo from as explained in the section. From the root of the git repo (where the Vagrantfile is), run vagrant up and eventually you should be able to reach an installation of Dataverse at (the forwarded_port indicated in the Vagrantfile). Please note that running vagrant up for the first time should run the downloads/ script for you to download required software such as Glassfish and Solr and any patches.

How to install Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) Let's install MAT as a plugin in Eclipse. Follow the instructions below or check the images for the required steps.

Microsoft expression studio 4 ultimate for mac. Microsoft Expression Studio 4 Ultimate is a family of tools for professional designers building web and Windows client applications and rich media content. Studio 4 Ultimate is comprised of four products, Expression Web 4, Microsoft Expression Blend 4 + SketchFlow, Expression Encoder 4 Pro and Expression Design 4 (Expression Blend 4 includes SketchFlow in Expression Studio 4 Ultimate only). Includes Expression Web + SuperPreview, Expression Blend, SketchFlow, Expression Encoder Pro and Expression Design. For more information about what else is new in this release, see Expression Studio 4 Ultimate Overview. Help us improve Expression Studio by reporting any technical issues. AVG AntiVirus for Mac. View all Mac apps. Popular Windows Apps CCleaner. Please submit your review for Microsoft Expression Studio 4 Ultimate. Rate this product: 2. Microsoft Expression Studio is one of the most complete design suites, and at the same time one of the least known.It covers different design fields, from web creation to video editing. Now they have improved the compatibility, specially when it comes to importing / exporting between the different applications that are part of the suite, as well as adding new features. Expression Blend Expression Blend, Visual Studio, Silverlight and.NET provide a seamless design and development workflow. Ideas evolve from your initial prototyping with SketchFlow, a feature included with Expression Studio Ultimate, to the completed project quickly and effectively, enabling you to create compelling applications for your customers.

However, these dependencies change over time so it’s a place to look if vagrant up was working but later fails. On Windows if you see an error like /usr/bin/perl^M: bad interpreter you might need to run dos2unix on the installation scripts. The Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT) from Eclipse can help you analyze heap dumps, showing you “leak suspects” such as seen at It can be downloaded from If the heap dump provided to you was created with gcore (such as with gcore -o /tmp/gf.core $glassfish_pid) rather than jmap, you will need to convert the file before you can open it in MAT. Using gf.core.13849 as example of the original 33 GB file, here is how you could convert it into a 26 GB gf.core.13849.hprof file. Please note that this operation took almost 90 minutes: /usr/java7/bin/jmap -dump:format=b,file=gf.core.13849.hprof /usr/java7/bin/java gf.core.13849 A file of this size may not “just work” in MAT. When you attempt to open it you may see something like “An internal error occurred during: “Parsing heap dump from ‘/tmp/heapdumps/gf.core.13849.hprof’”. Java heap space”.

If so, you will need to increase the memory allocated to MAT. On Mac OS X, this can be done by editing and increasing the value “-Xmx1024m” until it’s high enough to open the file. PageKite is a fantastic service that can be used to share your local development environment over the Internet on a public IP address. With PageKite running on your laptop, the world can access a URL such as to see what you see at Sign up at and follow the installation instructions or simply download The first time you run./ a file at ~/.pagekite.rc will be created.

Eclipse memory analyzer for mac os x 10.6.8

You can edit this file to configure PageKite to serve up port 8080 (the default GlassFish HTTP port) or the port of your choosing. According to PageKite (very generously!) offers free accounts to developers writing software the meets such as Dataverse. SonarQube is a static analysis tool that can be used to identify possible problems in the codebase, or with new code. Latest It may report false positives or false negatives, but can help identify potential problems before they are reported in prodution or to identify potential causes of problems reported in production. Download SonarQube from and start look in the bin directory for a script for your architecture. Once the tool is running on you can use it as the URL in this example script to run sonar.


When running the 'IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java - Memory Analyzer' (Memory Analyzer) in the IBM Support Assistant (ISA) against dumps from large Java heaps (2.5GB+), its not uncommon for OutOfMemoryErrors to occur. This occurs because ISA is only available as a 32bit application, which limits the memory usage of the tools inside them to around 1.25GB. For Memory Analyzer its possible to build a 64bit version outside of ISA using the following steps: • Download and install the standalone 64bit Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool from • Download and install the IBM Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java (DTFJ) plug-in: • Install the IBM Extensions for Memory Analyzer (IEMA): This now allows you to run a 64bit version of Memory Analyzer, and therefore have much larger Java heap sizes.