To get there in PowerPoint 2007, click the Office orb in the upper-left corner, and then click the PowerPoint Options button. In version 2010, click the Ribbon's File tab, and in the left pane. Instead of File>Save As, please use File>Print. Look for the Layout: dropdown and change it from Slides to Notes. In the lower-left corner of the dialog, click on the PDF button and choose Save as PDF.

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This page will give you quick answers to questions or problems you have with setting up and delivering your PowerPoint presentation. Click on the question in the list below to see the answer or scroll down to see all the questions and answers. Best programs for gopro editing mac. The questions are arranged by category to make it easier to find the one you need answered right now. If you need more detailed answers to PowerPoint technical questions, consult the. If you want help in planning your presentation and creating effective slides, check out the,,, or available. This site is copyrighted by Dave Paradi.

All rights reserved. Setting up the Equipment/Room • • • • • • • • Problems Discovered While Testing Your Slides • • • • • • • • • • • Problems during Delivery of the Presentation • • • • • • • Setting up the Equipment/Room My slides show on my laptop screen but not through the projector - what do I do? Try these two things: 1) Display toggle: Laptops have multiple display modes.

The four most common are: 1) laptop display only, 2) external display only, 3) duplicate the laptop display on the external display, and 4) extend the laptop display onto the external display. The computer may not be in a mode that displays the presentation on the external display properly.

Trying To Print Notes Page In Powerpoint For Mac But Getting Regular Pages Of Powerpoinnt InsteadTrying To Print Notes Page In Powerpoint For Mac But Getting Regular Pages Of Powerpoinnt Instead

To switch display modes in Windows 8 and above, press Windows+P (hold the Windows key and press the letter P). You can now use your arrow keys to select the mode you want and press Enter when done (or use your mouse to click on the desired mode). Many laptops also have a key combination that will allow you to rotate between the display modes. If you have Windows 7, this will be the method you use to change display modes. Look for a key (usually one of the function keys) that has a picture of a display on it. You usually have to hold a special Function key (usually labeled Fn) and press this key to switch between the different modes. After you press the key combination, wait at least five to ten seconds for the new setting to take effect before you toggle to the next setting.

2) Cables/connectors are loose: Make sure all cables and dongles/connectors are securely connected to your laptop, each other, and the projector. 3) Even after checking the above, you still may not see the image through the projector if your laptop has a graphics chipset that is not powerful enough to show the image on both the laptop screen and the projector at the same time. In this case, you will have to use the display toggle to set it so that the projector is the only display. My slides show on the projector but not on my laptop screen - what do I do? Laptops have multiple display modes.

The four most common are: 1) laptop display only, 2) external display only, 3) duplicate the laptop display on the external display, and 4) extend the laptop display onto the external display. The computer may not be in a mode that displays the presentation on the external display properly. To switch display modes in Windows 8 and above, press Windows+P (hold the Windows key and press the letter P). You can now use your arrow keys to select the mode you want and press Enter when done (or use your mouse to click on the desired mode). Many laptops also have a key combination that will allow you to rotate between the display modes.