Click to expand.Agreed, that in the Windows world, Word and Publisher are different animals completely. I'm not an expert, but at my MUG meeting just last night we had a 2 1/2 hour presentation from the Mac Office Product Lead from Microsoft taking us through Office 2008.

Swift Publisher is slick desktop publishing software for Mac. This page layout. A collection of 2,000 royalty-free photos, illustrations, and more. Get over 40,000.

During that time, he created a really nice looking brochure for a non-existent company and it was quick and easy. And there are still some issues with Office 2008 for Mac, MS are aware of them (in particular long load times for Word) and are diligently working on them. I've been using it for a couple of months now and it's pretty solid. They've done some really good things with this version. If they can just speed it up a bit, I think it's a winner. Check out a demo and see if it works for what you want. Good luck and cheers.

Publisher For Mac Free

HTML emails I am not a printer or a designer of any sort but I create html style emails in Publisher for many different reasons. I can't find a way to do this with the iWork suite or Office on Mac. Am I missing something or is this not possible? If not possible, then is there a program that I can do this in such as the Swift Publisher that a couple people posted about? What is the best free vpn software for mac. Thanks for a help. I am ready to get rid of Windows all together but I still carry one of those small Acer netbooks just to use Publisher.

Please help me, ha! DTP Software I have used DTP programs such as PageMaker, Quark, and InDesign professionally. I currently have Word 2004 for Mac. Trying to do anything in Word I find myself extremely frustrated wanting the program to do more and more easily like the DTP programs. As it stands now, I would discourage anyone using Word as a layout program however, it is great as a word processor. Quark is easy to use, I started using it a day I had to create a full page add for a auto dealership and learn the program at the same time with no training. I was able to easily manipulate the items and have the program do what I needed it to do.

After over 20 yrs working with it, and programs such as Illustrator and Photoshop, I find myself after 6 years dabbling in Word off and on, on the Mac, a pain. I am not familiar with Office 2008 nor the version of Publisher suggested. For the graduate course I am taking, they just use Word and Office suite programs so I am slowly learning them but I would advise anyone that has an option to stay with Quark or InDesign. If you are an educator or student, you can get both rather cheap, comparatively.