Outlook's Default Attachment Size. Outbox/ - it should be more or less the same for outlook 2016 on mac. To have a default profile. Online Services in. When I want to save an attachment, my outlook (Windows 10, 365, Outlook 2016, desktop/laptop) always kicks me into the default directory 'This PC > Documents'. This is utterly annoying as I don't use this folder at all, and I then need to browse around until I find even just the Desktop.

Upgrading to Outlook 2016 from Outlook 2013 is easy and you’d probably need very little time to adjust yourself to it. In fact, if it wasn’t for the new default “colorful” theme, you’d hardly notice the upgrade to Outlook 2016 at first sight. This is actually part of the Office 365 strategy where major new features are also introduced during the main lifetime of the current version, as we saw with Office 2013. In the old strategy, these features were held back for the new version. Office 2016 will get the same treatment so future updates can introduce new features as well.


Until then, there are still plenty of new features in Outlook 2016 to use and discover. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tip! As Outlook 2016 is so similar to Outlook 2013, when you are upgrading from Outlook 2010 or previous, I’d recommend reading as well. Major new features released during Outlook 2013 As mentioned, during the main lifespan of Outlook 2013, various new features and changes have been introduced as well. Most of them might not have been directly noticeable to everyone as they were either small, very specific to a certain working scenario or had to do with how Office works “underneath”. Nevertheless, this is quite a change with how it worked for previous versions of Office as they only got (bar a handful small exceptions) security updates and bug-fixes. Any real changes had to wait for the next version release.

Below are a few examples of some of the major improvements that were later added to Outlook 2013 which previously would be seen as “Outlook 2016 development time”. Later added to Outlook 2013: MAPI over HTTP support MAPI over HTTP is the Exchange connectivity protocol that got introduced in Exchange 2013 SP1 and Outlook 2013 SP1. From an end-user perspective, this protocol offers faster reconnections to the Exchange server when for instance resuming from hibernation or switching between a wired and wireless connection. It also offers support for native for Exchange accounts.

Outlook 2016 also still offers support for the the RPC over HTTP Exchange connectivity support for backwards compatibility with Exchange 2010. For more information see: Later added to Outlook 2013: Minimize message header The major user interface redesign of Outlook 2013 originally had quite a large message header.

This wasn’t optimal for various screen sizes and tablets with small screens and a high DPI setting that were later introduced. Aside from reducing the size of the message header in a later update, new features were also introduced which allowed you to choose how various message header details were displayed which could reduce the size of the message header even more. For more information see: The Minimal Message Header layout was later added to Outlook 2013. Introduced in Outlook 2013: To-Do Bar improvements Granted, this improvement could also be seen as a bug-fix as it reintroduced functionality that was already available in Outlook 2010.

Originally, the redesigned (or actually; rewritten) To-Do Bar only showed the appointments for the current day, even when there was space for showing more appointments. In a later update, this limitation got adjusted and showed appointments for up to 7 upcoming days if space permits it. In addition, they added the feature that it will show the appointments from the selected day onwards.

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Outlook 2010 always showed it from the current day. It may not have been the biggest change, but it was very warm welcomed one. For more information see: New in Outlook 2016 Even though Outlook 2016 looks very much like Outlook 2013, is does include quite a few improvements. However, not all of them are visible changes but mainly technical (like performance improvements and the reduction of using foreground threads to perform certain operations) or are not visible to everyone as they require you to use an Exchange or Office 365 account. Below is an overview of the major new features that were added to Outlook 2016. New Colorful theme and other Ribbon changes The default theme of Office 2013 got quite a bit of negative feedback since the color scheme basically lacked, well., color.