I apologize if this question has been asked before, the search function on this message board leaves a lot to be desired. I've been working on a file in word for the past hour/hour and a half. At one point I needed to scan something to put in the file, so I opened up Photoshop 7 and used the import option to scan from my all-in-one printer. I forgot to plug the printer into the computer before I went to import, and when the import utility opened it complained with a bunch of error boxes about how the scanner wasn't attached.

Information in this article applies to Microsoft Word 2013, 2010 and 2007, and to Windows 8.1, 8 and 7. It may vary slightly or significantly in other versions. References (3). Installing fonts on your Mac is a simple drag-and-drop process. There are several places to install fonts; the location to choose depends on whether or not you want other users of your computer (if any) or other individuals on your network (if applicable) to be able to use the fonts.


Then Word gave me this error about the disk being full. I figured it was because the computer freaked out over not having a scanner attached. I closed all the Photoshop error boxes, attached the scanner, and tried again.

I scanned no problem, and went back to Word and was able to manually save. But every ten or fifteen minutes the same error came back up again. It suggested closing programs I wasn't using, which I did (all I have open now is Finder, Word, and Excel). But the error still comes up every ten/fifteen minutes.

This past time, I went to manually save (since this error seemed to be coming up every time Word attempted to auto save) and now I get the error when I try to manually save. I went back to finder and checked (as I did when the error first appeared) and I have about 35 gigs available on my hard drive. I decided something must be going on with Word and that I'd quit and reboot and try again, but I of course didn't want to lose my work since the last save, so I tried to temporarily save the file to my external hard drive (where there is also space). But Word is telling me that doesn't have space either. What do I do?

I would reboot to fix the problem, but I do need to save this file, and I can't reboot until I save it, but I can't save it until I reboot. Paragon game for mac. A screeshot of the error window is attached. EDIT: I'm using Office 2004 on a MBP with 2gigs of RAM and about 35gigs of available hard drive space (file won't save to HD, external HD, or flash drive). In Windows, Word had a bug through at least '97 that caused it to fail to save if the document had too many embedded objects. The error was similar: it thought the drive was out of space even though it wasn't. Your error sounds similar, though I don't know if it's the same. I had a few workarounds to this document-destroying bug.

First, I'd try saving to a new filename. Next, I'd try to copy and paste the entire document into a new, blank document and try saving that.

Ms Word For Mac Says Needs To Download Font

Next, I'd try to delete embedded objects -- equations in particular -- saving after each one until it saved. Then I'd try copying just the remaining text to a new doc and save that. Finally, I'd kill Word and pray that the last save and the auto-save feature left me with minimal lost work. More thoughts.

I have experienced this problem using Word 2004 and equation edition. First the tip on saving in word 2008 format seems to have worked - many thanks! Second some thoughts on the problem: I found this: - which says that the problem is caused by too many temporary files. It provides a macro that may would with office 2004 but I've not tried it. However following the logic there I tried clearing the undo list using visual basic (with activedocument.undoclear) but while this removed the availability of undo it did not solve the issue. This () seems to say that not copying and pasting OLE objects (such as equations) more than necessary should help.