Apr 10, 2018  An automated Raspberry Pi emulator for Mac OS X, Ubuntu, as a well as a few other Linux distributions. This is aimed at simplicity; the disk images are not bundled with, and will be downloaded automatically upon launch. An automated Raspberry Pi emulator for Mac OS X, Ubuntu, as a well as a few other Linux distributions. This is aimed at simplicity; the disk images are not bundled with, and will be downloaded automatically upon launch.


A Raspberry Pi emulator can provide you with hundreds of hours of fun and remember those good times playing those classic retro games. This article will take you through all the steps that you will need to do to have a fantastic all in one retro game emulator. This game emulator is an excellent project if you’re an avid lover of retro games that you wish to replay. It’s important to remember that the Pi might not be able to play all the classics due to its limited processing power. With that said, it’s still an excellent way to play those classics. If you’re not big on reading and you would like to see how this is done visually then check out the video I have prepared below.

If you love the video, then you should subscribe as I will be adding a lot more videos on fantastic projects in the future. Sorry about the audio in this video, it’s quite old now) Equipment You can find all the bits and pieces that you will need for the tutorial.

Recommended: or if you’re using a Raspberry Pi 2, 3 or B+ Optional: or Setting it all up The steps below will take you through all the steps to getting the Raspberry Pi emulator setup and ready to go. Download & Format the SD Card 1. Download the RetroPie Project SD Card Image from the. (Use version 2.5 if you have a Raspberry Pi 2) 2. You will need a formatting tool.

Visit the and download the SD Formatter 4.0 for either Windows or Mac. Follow the instructions to install the formatting software. Insert your SD card into the computer or laptop’s SD card reader and check the drive letter allocated to it, e.g. G:/ (If you don’t have one then you can buy a USB SD Card reader ) 5. In the SD Formatter, select the drive letter for your SD card (eg. G:/) and then click format.

Install the RetroPie software onto the SD Card 1. Download the. Select the RetroPie image file and the drive letter your SD card is assigned to (Eg.

Confirm you have the correct details and then click on Write. Booting up the Emulator 1. Insert the SD Card into the Pi as well as connect the mouse, keyboard, ethernet cord and power supply. The Pi will now boot up and launch into RetroPie. Press f4 to go to command line. Type ifconfig and write down the numbers and dots next to inet addr. (You may need it later) 5.

Type the following into the terminal: sudo raspi-config 6. Select Expand File system and accept until you’re back to the main screen.

It’s also common for Mac software versions to also have lots of unnecessary features. Business financial software for mac. In many companies, customer support don’t fully know about or understand the Mac platform to help with in-depth questions.

Go to Advanced Options->SSH and enable it. Next go to overclock, select Medium or Turbo if you’re feeling risky.

(These options are different on newer Pi’s) 9. Afterwards, select finish and then select yes to reboot. Adding ROMS to the Raspberry Pi Emulator ROM is short for read-only memory and is the format in which you will find pretty much all the classic games in.

ROMs can be found all over the internet, and since there are so many different sources, it’s best to simply google the game you wish to download followed by ROM. (“Doom ROM”). There are many sites around such as Emulationking, Abandonia that provide all sorts of ROMS, emulation help and much more.


These are perfect if you want to take a look further into the emulator scene. If the Pi is connected to the network then simply go to network in windows explorer. In the list, you should find a device called RaspberryPi, double-click it. You will find a folder in here called ROMS. Open this up, and this is where you will need to store your ROMS. If the above doesn’t work, you can download an FTP software such as Cyberduck for Mac or FileZilla for Windows. You must use the to be able to access the Pi.

Once connected navigate to RetroPie/ROMS. There you have it a Raspberry Pi Emulator that can play all your classic retro games and it will only cost you a fraction of what you would need to pay to get the original consoles. If you’re feeling a little creative, you can always build the Raspberry Pi into a shell of a classic console for a much more authentic look. Emulators included in RetroPie Below are all the emulators installed with Retropie at the time of writing this tutorial. Amiga (UAE4All) The Amiga is a range of computers that were sold by Commodore throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. The Amiga featured lots of games but just to name a few, there is The Chaos Engine, Lemmings, Turrican and Shadow of the beast.