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Because it just seems to good to be true! I saw the following at. It's post #5 on the page. Go look at it so you can see the two images. I would be awe-struck if this ever really happened.

Mac Psx Emulator Upscaling

However, I'd like to point out that myself and refraction (both of us of the PCSX2 team) have talked about the concept of porting our emulator to the PS3 should the ability to run homebrew become available. Our intention is to provide whatSony promised and failed to deliver on: full software emulation of the PS2 on ALL PS3's.

Just to show the difference in picture quality between launch PS3's and our emulator, here's a comparison shot. Attached Images File Type: jpg FFX on PCSX2.jpg (393.9 KB, 111 views) File Type: jpg FFX on PS3.jpg (327.9 KB, 110 views) Reply With Quote Read more. First, that image comparison is staggering.

I've run PCSX2 every now and again just futzing around with stuff. I had no idea that even with upscaling the PS3 on-board support, when it had it, PS2-on-PS3 was that terrible.

Mac Psx Emulator Upscaling

I didn't read the full thread, but are the ones from the PS3 from the 80gb software emu or the 20/60gb hardware emu? Second, while it would be incredible to get ps2 support on all ps3's, there's those two obvious obstacles: 1) the ability to run homebrew on the PS3 (this is an eventuality as, with all hardware, time nearly always reveals holes permitting exploits, however with the PS3 there I can't really see it happening in the near future) 2) the cross-coding needed to run it on the PS3. I guess the cross-coding has two main options, if we ever get to that point: a) if Linux support were ever reactivated, or somehow reached through exploit that also allowed direct access to the graphics core, then just optimizing the Linux build for PS3 and creating the proper plugins for GFX, audio, pads, and whatnot. Going straight to the homebrew-on-exploit level and having a version coded specifically for the cell chip and associated hardware. Neither of those look particularly tasty, though I'm not an emu coder. I'd love to have high hopes for this, but.I just can't fight the feeling that it's just not going to happen. I'd love to be proven wrong, and I wish I knew more about it to make a better educated guess.

My original 60gig ps3 died so this'd be totally sweet The GPU on my current PS3 is dying. Graphical spikes, textures and lighting maps corrupting. Microsoft xps viewer for mac.

Graphically intense games are starting to become a mess. I'm hoping if I ask for another 60GB (or the same console refurbished) I can get one back. If I get a console without PS2 support I will rage. I've gotta agree with Stevo though, who knows if we'll see PS2 emulation happen any time soon (if at all), whether it be done through homebrew or delivered to us from Sony themselves.

The best we can do is hope that in Sony's blackest of black hearts they actually have enough sympathy to deliver us such an alternative. It's called buying a PlayStation 2. Because they want more money. But it's bullshit that they removed that support from the PlayStation 3. It's not like the PS2 had a small library or anything, and it's not like everyone and their brother didn't own one or have a considerable library they'd still like to play. It was one of the ways they reduced functionality in order to reduce the price of the PS3. Logically, it made sense: Including the hardware, as the 20/60gb launch PS3's had, is one of the ways the price was jacked up.

Running the software emulation reduced compatibility with many more PS2 titles, and supporting that with further firmware updates is more money spent on the developers parts. Essentially, in Sony's eyes, it's probably seen as both aiding emulation enthusiasts by doing their job for them, as well as product cannibalization (buying one sony product instead of two, which takes money out of their pockets). Just to illustrate the point of reduced software support. Chipp, can you make a handy-dandy circle graph showing how many games it supports for the PS2, or is that not possible? Just for my own personal interest, actually. Chances of Sony ever bringing back software emulation for PS3 is slim to none, and slim is drunk dangling off the balcony.