Introduction In this post, I am going to tell you about how we can easily get the address of our interface using python socket module. Actually, To retrieve the mac address of our card here we going to use python socket module sock name function.

Requirements Flask-SocketIO is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+. The asynchronous services that this package relies on can be selected among three choices: • is the best performant option, with support for long-polling and WebSocket transports. • is supported in a number of different configurations. The long-polling transport is fully supported with the gevent package, but unlike eventlet, gevent does not have native WebSocket support.

To add support for WebSocket there are currently two options. Installing the package adds WebSocket support to gevent or one can use the web server, which comes with WebSocket functionality. The use of gevent is also a performant option, but slightly lower than eventlet. • The Flask development server based on Werkzeug can be used as well, with the caveat that it lacks the performance of the other two options, so it should only be used to simplify the development workflow. This option only supports the long-polling transport.

The extension automatically detects which asynchronous framework to use based on what is installed. Preference is given to eventlet, followed by gevent. For WebSocket support in gevent, uWSGI is preferred, followed by gevent-websocket. If neither eventlet nor gevent are installed, then the Flask development server is used. If using multiple processes, a message queue service is used by the processes to coordinate operations such as broadcasting. The supported queues are,, and any other message queues supported by the package.

On the client-side, the official Socket.IO Javascript client library can be used to establish a connection to the server. There are also official clients written in Swift, Java and C++. Unofficial clients may also work, as long as they implement the. From flask import Flask, render_template from flask_socketio import SocketIO app = Flask ( __name__ ) app.

However, if you click on the Paste Options, you’ll see two options: Keep Source Formatting; Use Destination Theme (default) When you change the default setting to “Keep Source Formatting”, the slide will revert back to its original formatting instead of using the new destination theme. Paste in powerpoint for mac keep source formatting. In Powerpoint 2016 for mac, when I try pasting slides from another presentation I am not given any option to choose the formating, it just pastes the slides and adapts to the theme of the file I am. Where is the option to 'keep source formatting' when pasting slides into your PowerPoint 2016 for mac presentation?

Install Socket For Python In Mac

Config [ 'SECRET_KEY' ] = 'secret!' Socketio = SocketIO ( app ) if __name__ == '__main__': socketio. Run ( app ) The init_app() style of initialization is also supported. Note the way the web server is started. The function encapsulates the start up of the web server and replaces the standard Flask development server start up.

When the application is in debug mode the Werkzeug development server is still used and configured properly inside In production mode the eventlet web server is used if available, else the gevent web server is used.

If eventlet and gevent are not installed, the Werkzeug development web server is used. The command line interface based on click introduced in Flask 0.11 is also supported. This extension provides a new version of the flask run command that is appropriate for starting the Socket.IO server. Example usage. From flask_socketio import send, emit @socketio. On ( 'message' ) def handle_message ( message ): send ( message ) @socketio.

On ( 'json' ) def handle_json ( json ): send ( json, json = True ) @socketio. On ( 'my event' ) def handle_my_custom_event ( json ): emit ( 'my response', json ) Note how send() and emit() are used for unnamed and named events respectively. When working with namespaces, send() and emit() use the namespace of the incoming message by default. A different namespace can be specified with the optional namespace argument. Def ack (): print 'message was received!'