But beware if you don’t know your old password you have to create a new keychain. If you have changed your admin or standard password on macOS, you may also want to change your Keychain Access password so they both are the same, here’s how you do that. Launch Keychain Access from Application/Utilities From here go to the Keychain Access menu and choose preferences Click on Reset My Default Keychain Then enter you login password to authenticate, then quit Keychain Access and it is complete, it’s best to restart the machine to take full effect. 'mac os sierra reset to default keychain \'unable to obtain authorization for this operation\''. Create new Keychain Access If you have and don’t know your old one you’ll need to create a new Keychain Access. Update Keychain Access Password If you do know your old login password however you can just change it without creating a new Keychain.

There are two small handy function- Never Block Sender feature and Block Sender feature in Outlook, which can help you quickly add your selected sender address in the mail message list to the safe senders list or blocked sender list with one click. Select the message of the sender that you want to add to whitelist, and click Home > Junk > Never Block Sender, see screenshot: Note: For adding a sender to blocked sender list, please click Home > Junk > Block Sender. A prompt box will pop out to remind you selected address has been added to the safe senders list. And click OK.

In the Message List, Outlook only shows the Display Name of the person who has sent you the email. A request heard often is to also be able to set Outlook to show the e-mail address of the sender instead of just the name.

With this method, you can add one address into the safe list at a time, if you want to add multiple addresses, you need to add them one by one. And if you don't have an email message from the sender but know their email addresses, the Junk E-mail Options can help you. Add multiple email addresses to safe/blocked senders list with Junk E-mail Options.

Click Home > Junk > Junk E-mail Options. See screenshot: 2. In Junk E-mail Options dialog, click the Safe Senders tab, and then click the Add button. See screenshot: Note: For adding email addresses to blocked senders list, please click the Blocked Senders tab. In the popped out Add address or domain box, please enter an e-mail address of the person you want to whitelist to the text box, and then click OK button. For adding more email addresses into the whitelist, please repeat this step as you need. Then click the OK button in the Junk Email Options dialog box.

Notes: (1) If you check Also trust e-mail from my Contacts option, your addresses in the Contacts are considered safe senders. (2) Maybe some people are not be listed in your Contacts, if you want all such people to be considered as safe senders, check Automatically add people I e-mail to the Safe Senders List option. Add multiple email addresses to safe/blocked senders list with Kutools for Outlook.

Hold Ctrl key to select the messages of the senders which you want to add them to safe list, and click Kutools > Junk > Enable Junk Email Filter. See screenshot: 2. Go ahead to click Kutools > Junk > Never Block Senders. See screenshot: Note: For adding all senders of selected emails to blocked sender list in bulk, please click Kutools > Junk > Block Senders. And a prompt box will remind you the selected email addresses have been successfully added to the safe senders list. Demo: Add multiple email addresses to safe/blocked senders list with Kutools for Outlook.

The 'EXE' version worked, thanks! However, there's another thing then - although I can see the email addresses I've added in 'Ribbon -> KUTOOLS -> Automatic -> Junk -> Junk Email Filter Manager -> Never Block' list, I cannot see them in the native 'Safe Senders' list, 'Ribbon -> Home -> Delete -> Junk -> Junk E-mail Options -> Safe Senders'. Thus, they are not synced between PCs, and EOP would ignore them (see ). My actual purpose was to create a large 'Safe Senders' list for EOP to not put emails to 'quarantined' folder (which is not visible to user). I ended up using built-in 'export to csv' functionality, like described here: (very useful article, thanks!).

I've simply removed all doublequotes in that file, and imported it to the native 'Safe Senders' list.


• On the Tools menu, click Junk Email Preferences. • Do either of the following: To Do this Allow all messages from a specific domain. For example, if you add 'alpineskihouse.com' to your Safe Senders list, a message from a person with an email address that contains '@alpineskihouse.com' is never classified as junk. Click the Safe Senders tab, and then type the domain name. Block all messages from a specific email address or domain.

For example, if you add 'alpineskihouse.com' to your Blocked Senders list, a message from a person with an email address that contains '@alpineskihouse.com' is always classified as junk. Click the Blocked Senders tab, and then type the email address or the domain name. Tips: • You can also move a message to your Junk E-mail folder or block a sender from your Inbox: • To classify a message as junk and move it to your Junk E-mail folder, Ctrl+click or right-click a message header and then click Junk Mail >Multiple data files in quicken 17 for mac download. Mark as Junk. • To classify a message as junk and block the sender, Ctrl+click or right-click a message header and then click Junk Mail > Block Sender. • Add important people to your Outlook contacts. When a contact is saved in your contacts list, Outlook does not classify messages from that email address as junk. Note: Unless the level of junk e-mail protection is set to None, legitimate messages might be classified as 'junk' and put in the Junk E-mail folder. Check the Junk E-mail folder regularly to make sure that it doesn't contain any legitimate messages.