Hi, There isn't many Theano user on Mac and fewer that use GPU. So this let less people to help. We will need more information to help. Can you tell us in the import of witch file the segfault happen? For this, set a breack point in a script before the import of theano and set throught the import of Theano.

Fred On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Dan Becker wrote: > I just installed Theano on a Macbook Pro Retina. I can import theano fine > if I set device=cpu.

Cuda Driver Version Is Insufficient For Cuda Runtime Version Mac Os X 10.13

The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit provides a development environment for creating high-performance GPU-accelerated applications. It includes GPU-accelerated libraries and tools as well as a C/C++ compiler and a runtime library to deploy your application. You must compile TensorFlow to use the GPUs.

However I get a seg fault if I try to import it with > device=gpu. > > The error message is: > In [1]: import theano > WARNING (theano.gof.compilelock): Overriding existing lock by dead process > '4960' (I am process '5079') > Segmentation fault: 11 > > > Some information about my system: > Running OS X 10.8.2 > Python version 2.7.3 > Numpy version 1.6.2 > Scipy version 0.12.0 > > I've tried running this using both python and ipython. My ipython version > is 0.13 > > I installed theano using pip, and here is the output of the installation > procedure > > I have some more output below, and I'd be happy to provide any other output > or information possible. I am extremely grateful if anyone can offer any >Simple games for the mac. help with this. > > Thanks so much, > Dan > > > Output from installation using pip > ---- > Dans-MacBook-Pro:digit_recog dan2$ pip install theano > Downloading/unpacking theano > Downloading Theano-0.6.0rc2.zip (1.7Mb): 1.7Mb downloaded > Running setup.py egg_info for package theano > > warning: manifest_maker: MANIFEST.in, line 5: 'recursive-include' > expects. Hi, Chiyuan, I didn't heard of python-config before.

Cuda Driver Version Is Insufficient For Cuda Runtime Version Mac Os X 10.13

We don't call the executable python-config, but rely on numpy.distutils and sys.* stuff mainly. Personally, I don't care if we hack it if the hack make this work. But yes, I would prefer a complete fix as every body. I don't have the time to hunt this down for a full fix. Also, what make it hard for me to debug this is that last time I tried on Mac, it was working, so this depend on the config.

If I can reproduce it, it would be faster to debug for me, but I won't have the time shortly for this. But if any body have time for this, I think MANY people will be grateful. Fred Dan Becker 6/9/2013, 13:32 น.