This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, andFormat tabs. I am having the same problem with Excel for Mac 2016.

I've done the following steps: • Add 2 new columns • In the first new column wrote the following formula =IF(B2=A2;B2;0) • Copy and paste the formula in the last 2 columns down the table to fill each row. • Click on the insert tab > column chart > stacked column. • Set up the three series using columns “=target” and “Target” and give each series a name e.g. “Below target”, “Above target” and “Target”. • Add the Horizontal axis labels (the date column) and press the OK button. • Right click on the “Target” series and choose “Change series chart type”.

• Change the series chart type to a normal line graph and press the OK button. Calcualte the difference between the Limit and the Data in Column D and the Data Base in Column C (see formula below): A B C D 1 Limit Data Data Base Difference Limit vs. Data 2 10 11 10 =B2-D2 1 =IF(B2-A2>=1,B2-A2,0) 3 10 8 8 =B3-D3 0 =IF(B3-A3>=1,B3-A3,0) 4 10 12 10 =B4-D4 2 =IF(B4-A4>=1,B4-A4,0) 5 10 9 9 =B5-D5 0 =IF(B5-A5>=1,B5-A5,0) 6 10 0 =B6-D6 0 =IF(B6-A6>=1,B6-A6,0) 7 10 0 =B7-D7 0 =IF(B7-A7>=1,B7-A7,0) Afterwards create a stacked column chart by using the Datas in Column C:D. The result is the chart below.

Top 10 editing software free. There you can see the part which is over the limit.

Dear friends, I am enjoying my working by using MS Office 2010 professional specially Excel since last 6 months properly. But since last 15 days I am suffering with one strange problem with Excel. Whenever I am drawing the graph in spread sheet (sheet 1).its showing appropriate there.but when I move it into new chart.the drawn chart disappear and there is nothing any chart or data. But when I open this file in another pc then it is working properly and disappeared graphs can be seen.

Is it virus problem.I have tried many AV.but no solution. If any registry disabled... Other office products working properly but only excel **** me.:(. First, try starting Excel in 'Safe Mode', which will prevent any add-ins from loading. To do this, first you must find the Excel program icon using Windows Explorer.

The Excel program is usually stored in a folder such as: C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Office Office12 Go to this folder, and find EXCEL.EXE. Hold down the CTRL key, and double-click on EXCEL.EXE. A dialog box comes up asking if you want to open Excel in Safe Mode. Try creating and moving your graph while in Safe Mode.

However there’s additionally a 2nd course for Canon’s larger fine-art documents. Pixima The tray for the initial path could hold 20 sheets of image paper, and the tray for the second course takes only one sheet at a time.

Do you get the same result, or do things seem 'normal'. If things are now normal, then an add-in is likely the problem. If an add-in is to blame, the next step is to disable all add-ins, and turn them back on one at a time, until you find the one that is causing the problem for you. To do this, restart Excel in 'Normal' mode (not Safe Mode). Go to Excel Options, click on Add-Ins, and then click on the 'Go.' Button to manage Excel add-ins.

You will see a list of all add-ins. If any are checked (meaning they are enabled), uncheck them. Keep a record of which add-ins were checked. Now repeat this for the COM add-ins - turn them all off. Restart Excel one more time.

Try creating/moving the graph again. Did this solve your problem? If it did, one of the add-ins is the problem. Turn on add-ins one at a time until the problem shows up again.

The last add-in you turn back on will be the one causing the problem. If this post is helpful or answers the question, please mark it so. I don't have many more suggestions. Certainly doing deep virus and malware scans (have you tried Malwarebytes?) might catch something. Three other things you could try: • (Easy) Run the Microsoft Office Diagnostics to see if there are any corrupted files or other issues with your installation of Office. Excel Options --> Resources --> run Microsoft Office Diagnostics • (More Difficult) Completely uninstall and reinstall Office on your computer. If the xls files work correctly on other computers, then something different about yours is causing the problem.

This might help. • (Most Difficult) Start from scratch.


Back up all your data files. Then wipe the hard drive, reinstall Windows (plus all patches), reinstall your Apps, reload your data.

This will result in a 'standard image' on your computer, and is almost certain to fix the problem. Without more clues, or being able to sit at the computer that has the problem, that's the most I can offer you. - one more possibility. Sometimes people have strange things happen because their default printer setup has a problem. Is your default printer the same as others? Try switching your default printer to see if that helps. If this post is helpful or answers the question, please mark it so.


I came to this site hoping to find a solution. I am seeing the exact same thing running Excel 2010 on Windows 7 Enterprise. I first started seeing the problem about 8 months ago. It is intermittent and I have seen it one other people's computers in my office. When it happens, even loading a file with known good graphs will not display them. You get the normal page where a graph would be, but the part of the screen where the actual graph should be appears grey.