Flip all cells in the selection horizontally with one click. For example, if you have a row data, such as: 1, 2, 3, you can quickly reverse its order horizontally to 3, 2, 1. Flip Vertical Range: Flip all cells in the selection vertically with one click.

I want to share with you a favourite Excel tip of mine. I think you will like this tip if you avoid using your mouse for formula work as much as possible in Excel. The Excel formula bar, located just above the work area, shows either a cells value or a formula, whichever is typed into the selected cell in your Excel worksheet. Ordinarily, to edit a formula, you would click directly into the formula bar. I do find this kind of annoying, but no more do you need to use a mouse to click into the cell, then edit your formulas.

CellActivate Cell For Editing Mac

All you need to do it hit F2! Decision games for mac. Pip install mac operation not permitted.